Vehicle Services
Established 1981
Available 24/7, 365 days a year
Motor Move (UK) Ltd operate 365 days 24 hours a day call out and assistance.
We have a diverse fleet of vehicles that can accommodate all eventualities along with our fully trained Technicians and Operatives to offer a completely professional service that you can have confidence in.
Wide Range of Vehicle Services
- Vehicle Recovery and Roadside Breakdown Assistance
- Specialist Accident unit for Collision Management
- Covered Motorcycle Recovery and Delivery
- Secure Vehicle Storage
- Vehicle Movement service to facilitate Logistical Moves
- Mis-Fuel Correction
- Fuel Drain and Fuel Replacement Service
- Battery Testing and Replacement Service
- Mobile Tyre Fitting Service provided
- Dealer Support Scheme
- IVR UK training centre
- Full Accident Management Advice provided
- Workshop
- Vehicle Repossession
Member Of
Motor Move (UK) Ltd is a reputable company with a wealth of skills.

Large fleet of modern vehicles
We have a varied range of Vehicles from Service Vans to 18-ton accident units so we are confident that we can handle any eventuality.
As well as the standard Vehicle Recovery Service, our Service Vans offer a full a Home and Non-start service and because we have fully trained Technicians that 8 times out of 10 can get you back road on road whether it’s a wheel change or a mechanical issue we can get you on your way in no time.
We have also added a full Battery Replacement and fitting service to our portfolio where we will come to your home or destination and fit the battery there and then so you save time and enjoy the added convenience.